News from State Representative Jason R. Bunting In this issue: Illinois is #49 in economic health BBB warns of summertime scams Visiting the Grundy Area FFA Illinois headlines Thank you…
In this issue: $50.6 billion state budget passes Some taxes already going up Reminder about our open house Illinois headlines Thank you for reading my e-newsletter. For the latest news…
Included in the new recently passed $50.6 billion state budget in Illinois are some healthy pay raises for lawmakers, and tax increases for tax payers. Click here to read the full…
In this issue: Session stumbles forward Ethics reform should be a priority More ideas for how to spend the extra session days District office open houses coming up Thank you…
Are you planning a trip to one of Chicago’s amazing museums, gardens, aquarium, or zoos? You can check out our 2023 Constituent Education Resource Card, a pass allowing FREE ADMISSION…
In this issue: A quick update as adjournment nears Working to improve Illinois’ business climate COVID emergency declaration finally ends Illinois headlines Thank you for reading my e-newsletter. For the…
I was proud to support legislation in committee today which designates May as Motorcycle Awareness Month in Illinois. Start seeing motorcycles and be safe out there!